10x100 Tools

10x100 Concept Note (work in progress)

X*C follows the 10x100 protocol, which enables frequent collaborative foresight, reflection, and drastic priority shifts. This approach helps address interrelated strategic gaps by advancing the combination of short-term crisis response with long-term systemic change. Instead of providing answers, X*C is regularly asking questions for personal and collective reflection powered by text-based sense-making and pattern recognition. The information analysis will be in frequent evolution through data enrichment based learning in order to recognise and visualize patterns for coordinated interventions in the following three nested areas:

1) Systemic Analysis

based on questions oriented to understand the different layers of a user’s environment of action (i.e. events, practices, organizational and mental structures, paradigms).

2) Leverage Points

based on questions oriented to understand the dynamics of the flows of information, the rules and goals of a user and their system, the levers for influencing change, the personal strategies to overcome paradigms, etc.

3) Systemic Intervention

based on questions to identify bundles of leverage points that include areas where interventions can be coordinated in multi-actor constellations.

With X*C, we propose to use technology to support the navigation of transformation processes by producing collaborative coordination as a function of a learning system. Building on approaches that foster a reflective practice (as used in agile design or innovation processes), X*C is not only enhancing the performance of a group of people but aims to establish participatory leadership across a field of actions. During the next months, we would like to explore how machine-assisted voice recording and sense-making increase individual reflection and accountable collective action in order to accelerate the self-coordination of multi-actor alliances.